Future of Mobility Panel at SGI

Mobility Panel Video

Great event last night and so much to talk about – packed house.

I for one am super excited to see autonomous take hold in both the public and private sector on the streets of Singapore.

SeedPlus Sessions #1

One last push here before we lock in the topic for the first Session.

As some of you may know I am a partner at SeedPlus :: http://www.seedplus.com/.

We have been kind of quiet lately but it is the new year and time to ratchet up our outreach.

First event we have planned is for Feb and it will be a seminar series about Growth. Lots of definitions for this and lots of snake oil in the system but we plan on getting into the science of growth.

Please take our survey :: http://www.seedplus.com/sessions/ and  then stay tuned for an announcement on the crowdsourced topic plus event details.

Let the Sessions begin…