State of the Cloud 2019 · Bessemer Venture Partners

State of the Cloud 2019 · Bessemer Venture Partners:

Operate with G.R.I.T.

Operational rigor is what separates early stage companies from the most influential cloud leaders. But take comfort in the fact that it’s possible: Twilio’s Jeff Lawson and Shopify’s Tobias Lütke are just two examples of the many first-time founders who were running cloud businesses during and post-recession.

At Bessemer, we recommend cloud founders operate on G.R.I.T.— a critical set of metrics that resilient, enduring cloud companies use as yardsticks of success.

This is pretty good read but it may not be apparent what G.R.I.T. is :

G = Growth

R = Retention

I = Money in the Bank

T = Targeted Spend